Last school year, we conducted prevention sessions in four schools in Târgu Mureș. Our volunteers held interactive classes for students on topics such as healthy lifestyle, sex education, drug prevention, basic resuscitation, and first aid.

We believe that peer education is extremely effective. Our medical student volunteers, who are closer in age to the students, can establish strong and positive relationships with them, thus more effectively shaping their views on a healthy lifestyle.

Statistics from the prevention sessions of the school year:

  • 4 schools
  • 8 classes
  • 224 students
  • 5 prevention topics
  • 14 volunteer co-workers

Feedback from class teachers:

“I am Margit Albert-Buzási, a Hungarian language teacher and homeroom teacher of the 7th grade at Liviu Rebreanu Primary School in Târgu Mureș. I searched for a long time for an organization that could inform my students about sexuality in a professional, comprehensible, and enjoyable way. I finally found the right partner in the Szent Balázs Foundation. Their professionalism and enthusiasm worked wonders! My students eagerly shared their experiences, and we are grateful to have been part of this great initiative. With you, the future of our youth will be brighter! Thank you, Szent Balázs Foundation!”

“Such sessions should be held in every 7th and 8th grade.”

Feedback from our co-workers:

“It is special to belong to a group like a big family, working with full heart and soul to ensure that young people are informed and prepared. Basic first aid knowledge, for example, can save lives, and we present all this in an interactive and interesting way.”

“To be a pioneer so that students dare to act bravely in the future.”

“To bring to the children what I wished had reached me back then.”

Feedback from participating students:

“Everything was very interesting, and I really liked it. My favorite was sex education because I learned a lot of new things.”

“The handshake game made us understand well how sexually transmitted diseases spread and how great the responsibility is.”

“I liked that we learned things we can use in life.”

“For me, the best part was discussing certain things.”