Programs for Healthcare Professionals


At our conference, we strive every year to explore topics that go beyond individual disciplines and require a complex approach. In addition to the medical multidisciplinary perspective, we also address the social, psychological, spiritual, and artistic aspects of the given topic.

Our conferences are attended by 500 doctors, medical students, helping professionals, and interested individuals.

Our past topics include:

  • 2014 – Thanatology Conference
  • 2017 – Pain Conference
  • 2018 – Sleep Symposium
  • 2019 – Digital Medicine Conference
  • 2022 – Mental Health Conference
  • 2023 – Primum Nil Nocere Conference
  • 2024 – Hidden Dimensions Conference

The Hungarian Transylvanian Diabetes Conference is organized annually, usually in a place suitable for relaxation and rest. The event has two main objectives: professional development and presenting the latest updates in diabetes care and management, and equally important, fostering professional and friendly relationships, allowing for more informal discussions. It is worth highlighting that the conference is not exclusively for diabetologists; every year, colleagues from other specialties also participate.

Medical Evenings

Since 2012, the foundation has been regularly organizing Additional Medical Evenings, where the most current topics in the medical profession and the challenges of everyday tasks are discussed, such as:

  • Doctor-patient relationship,
  • Delivering bad news,
  • Burnout,
  • Ethical decisions,
  • Faith in healing,
  • Issues of emigration.

Our target audience includes doctors, medical students, healthcare professionals and helping professionals.

This initiative is beneficial because it addresses specific problems, brings members of the target audience together through regular meetings and joint discussions, and forms them into a community where they mutually help and support each other.