Programs for Students and a Wider Audience

School Health Education Program

Our School Health Education Program includes the following topics:

Healthy Nutrition

Discussions and activities about healthy eating, the importance of physical exercise, and the impact of unhealthy habits help students reconsider their lifestyle choices. They will have the opportunity to learn about:

  • Healthy eating and related myths
  • Factors influencing hunger
  • The psychological and social background of unhealthy habits
  • The importance of adequate quantity and quality of sleep
  • The importance of hydration
  • The significance of a healthy body image
  • The dangers of fad diets promising rapid weight loss
Drug Prevention

An interactive lecture series highlighting the effects of illegal drugs on the young body, social relationships, and future prospects. Together, we aim to explore the individual, communal, and societal reasons for drug use, identifying the risk and protective factors crucial in the development or prevention of addiction.

Sexual Education

We provide students with reliable information about adolescent changes, sexuality, intimate hygiene, various sexually transmitted diseases and prevention methods, abortion and its potential consequences, helping them reassess their existing knowledge. We aim for this education to encourage young people to approach this topic with greater thoughtfulness and responsibility towards themselves and others.

The sexual education sessions are supported by Gedeon Richter!

Basic Resuscitation

Our goal is to develop and enhance high school students’ knowledge and skills related to resuscitation through peer education, enabling them to effectively apply the learned methods in real-life situations and potentially save lives. Our training strengths include theoretical education (site assessment, proper breathing examination, ensuring open airways, ventilation, calling for help, chest compression techniques, AED use), followed by practical resuscitation steps in small groups.

Medical Evenings

Since 2012, the foundation has been regularly organizing Additional Medical Evenings, where the most current topics in the medical profession and the challenges of everyday tasks are discussed, such as:

  • Doctor-patient relationship,
  • Delivering bad news,
  • Burnout,
  • Ethical decisions,
  • Faith in healing,
  • Issues of emigration.

Our target audience includes doctors, medical students, healthcare professionals and helping professionals.

This initiative is beneficial because it addresses specific problems, brings members of the target audience together through regular meetings and joint discussions, and forms them into a community where they mutually help and support each other.

Biztos Pont Video Series

Our “Biztos Pont” video series explores medical myths and facts related to various fields with renowned experts.

You can watch the videos on the foundation’s YouTube channel:

Szent Balázs Alapítvány – YouTube